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Beltone Amaze
Beltone Amaze是目前市面上最完整也最優秀的產品,呈現更清晰、更充實、更豐富的聲音,讓您在任何情境都獲得精采的聆聽體驗。Beltone Amaze操作便利,還有完整的遠端微調服務,沒有其他產品能出其左右。您可以使用 Beltone HearMax™ 應用程式,帶來清澈乾淨的串流音質與個人化的控制性,再加上充電式電池的優勢,可以讓助聽器用上一整天。
了解我們最新的產品Beltone Trust
Beltone Trust為您提供無與倫比的能力,能在吵雜情況下聽到說話聲,以及連接到您最喜歡的裝置並整合您的聽力體驗 - 全都是一個幾乎看不見的組建內。 此外全新的Remote Care功能可幫助您隨時隨地獲得聽覺專家的協助。 這是世界上最完整的聽力照顧感受。
Man at the airport | Beltone Trust
請與您當地的 聽力診所預約
這種簡單的測驗將幫助您認清潛在的聽力問題。 它會在噪音之中檢查你的言語理解能力。
Beltone clinic


Beltone has won many awards, among them the Red Dot award 2014
Beltone has won many awards, among them the Red Dot award 2015
Beltone has won many awards, among them the 2016 Silver Stevie Winner American Business Award
Beltone has won many awards, among them the People's Choice Stevia Award Favorite Product 2016
Beltone has won many awards, among them the Webby Award Honoree 2016
Beltone has won many awards, among them the Big Innovation 2017.
Beltone has won many awards, among them the Edison Awards 2017.