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Conductive hearing loss

A conductive hearing loss is often temporary and can sometimes be corrected with wax removal, medication or surgery. Conductive loss stems from problems in the outer or middle ear and can be caused by:

  • Infection
  • Build-up of wax or fluid
  • Punctured eardrum
  • Otosclerosis – an abnormal bone development in the middle ear

Degrees of hearing loss

Measured in degrees, hearing loss is divided into levels that are based on a person's auditory thresholds, or the softest sounds (decibels), they can hear.

Hearing Degree of Loss Impact
Normal Hearing 0 to 25 dB Hearing is considered normal
Mild Hearing Loss 25 to 40 dB Difficulty hearing soft speech in noisy situations
Moderate Hearing Loss 40 to 60 dB Difficulty hearing moderate speech when background noise is present
Severe Hearing Loss 60 to 80 dB Difficulty hearing loud speech, but heard if amplified
Profound Hearing Loss 80 dB or more Difficulty hearing and understanding, even with amplification

Temporary hearing loss

There are times where a hearing loss is temporary. A temporary hearing loss is common and can be caused by any of the following:

  • Excessive earwax
  • Ear infections
  • Allergies
  • Sinus problems
  • Certain medications

To find out if you or someone you love has a hearing loss, please contact your local Hearing Care Professional. 

Hearing Care Professional
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