Beltone Blog

Helping a Loved One Adjust to New Hearing Aids

When a family member is diagnosed with hearing loss and starts using hearing aids, it can be a significant adjustment for everyone involved.

Tips for Holiday Music Lovers With Hearing Loss

Let's explore how hearing loss affects your ability to enjoy music and share tips to keep your holiday playlist vibrant and crystal-clear.

Alzheimer’s Awareness Month: The Crucial Connection Between Hearing Health and Cognitive Wellness

November is Alzheimer’s Awareness Month, a time dedicated to raising awareness about Alzheimer’s disease.

Hearing Aids in Pop Culture and Media

Explore how hearing aids and hearing loss are depicted in TV shows, movies and literature.

The Evolution of Hearing Aid Styles: From Bulky Devices to Discreet miniRIEs and microRIEs

What was once an unwieldy, cumbersome device is now a sleek, almost invisible companion in the daily lives of millions.

Crossover Hearing Aids: A Solution for Single-Sided Deafness

If you find it difficult to hear sounds on one side, you may benefit from CROS or BiCROS hearing aids.

10 Celebrities Who Wear Hearing Aids or Have Hearing Loss

Let's take a look at 10 famous people who rock their hearing aids with pride and show us that hearing loss doesn’t have to stop anyone.

10 Fascinating Facts About the Human Ear

Here are ten interesting and fun facts about the human ear that highlight its incredible capabilities.

Fun Facts: Animals With Amazing Hearing

Dive into the fascinating world of animal hearing and discover some mind-blowing facts about animal ears.