Multiple major studies have found a connection between hearing loss and an increased risk for dementia. Consider the findings of a 12-year study by researchers at Johns Hopkins¹:
- Mild hearing loss doubled an adult’s risk of dementia
- Moderate hearing loss tripled the risk
- Severe hearing impairment made adults five times more likely to develop dementia
Social Isolation
Untreated hearing loss can put a strain on many aspects of your personal life. Everything from casual interactions with strangers to your closest relationships with friends and family are likely to be affected by your inability to understand speech or distinguish between the mix of sounds in your environment.
The connection between depression and hearing loss should come as no surprise. When a formerly gregarious person is no longer able to socialize or participate in beloved activities, the mental toll can be significant and lasting. Learn how to recognize the signs of depression and how you can act in defense of your mental health.
Online Hearing Assessment
Visit any Beltone Hearing Care Center to discover just how simple it is to improve your hearing.
You can also take our online hearing assessment to get a head start on your free appointment—we’ll forward your results to your local Beltone office. The results will help your hearing care professional begin the process of determining your level of hearing loss and which hearing aids are right for you.