Can You Hear the Sounds of Spring?

Spring is a time for blooming flowers and fresh green forests. But can you hear the distinctive sounds of the season?

Blooming flowers, swiftly growing grass— spring is best known for the new growth seen in flowerbeds and forests. But spring is not just a beautiful looking season— it’s also beautiful sounding. The air is filled with sounds that let you know the winter weather is over and warmer days are just over the horizon.
Here’s our list of five seasonal sounds you won’t want to miss this coming spring.

1. Birds singing.

Did you know that the chirping of birds can be categorized as either calls, songs or non-verbal sounds? Calls are short and distinct – usually just a single syllable long – whereas songs are longer and more complex. Calls are used for vital functions such as alarms and announcement, whereas songs are used to declare territory or attract a mate. Meanwhile non-verbal bird sounds include the staccato bill drumming of woodpeckers or the bill snapping sounds made by macaws and cockatoos.

2. Spring rains.

While we all love a cloudless, sunny day, there's something so relaxing about hearing rain patter off your rooftop and gutters. Science seems to agree— some recent studies have suggested that “pink noise” such as steady rain sounds may reduce brain waves and promote deeper sleep.

3. Baseball.

Nothing says spring quite like a sunny day at the ballpark. But how loud is the sound of a bat hitting a baseball? Pretty loud, considering it can often be heard by stadiums full of fans! The “crack” of the bat varies in pitch and intensity, depending on factors such as the speed of the ball when it hits the bat. Studies on the topic continue.

4. Rustling leaves.

Who doesn’t love laying in a hammock and watching the wind blow the leaves above you? The sound of leaves fluttering in the breeze comes in around 20 decibels, which is close to the softest sound most humans can hear.

5. Buzzing mosquitoes.

This one probably isn’t anyone’s favorite seasonal sound, as mosquitoes are universally reviled insects. Their buzz comes in at about 40 decibels – which can sound a lot louder when it’s buzzing only an inch or two from your ear!

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