Why You Should Join a Hearing Loss Support Group

Hearing loss support groups, whether in-person or online, can provide a valuable source of support for individuals of all ages who have hearing loss.

If you are experiencing hearing loss, you may have friends and family who are willing to support and encourage you. However, it can also be beneficial to connect with others who are going through a similar experience. Hearing loss support groups, whether in-person or online, can provide a valuable source of support for individuals of all ages who have hearing loss.

Finding the right hearing loss support group for you

If you are interested in joining a support group and are unsure of how to find one, know that there are many options easily accessible to you. Your first point of contact should be with your hearing care professional's office. In some cities, hearing centers or audiologist offices organize their own groups for patients and assign a hearing professional to lead the group. These types of hearing loss support groups can provide members with information on the latest technology and offer an opportunity for open discussion about the challenges of hearing loss.
There are also many organizations dedicated to serving as advocates and support for those with hearing loss. The Hearing Loss Association of America is an excellent resource.

Encouragement about hearing loss is as close as your keyboard

The internet has made our world simultaneously smaller and larger, and this phenomenon makes the online world a helpful stop for those dealing with diminishing hearing capability. Virtual hearing loss support groups have arisen as sufferers find each other through a wide variety of websites. One online message board on www.dailystrength.org, for example, has a post with the title, “My hearing is going and I’m scared,” penned by a young mother who is worried about how her hearing loss will affect her children.
The respondents to her post were able to offer support and point her to resources that could help illuminate her search for answers. Message boards exist to connect people navigating any kind of health or relationship problem imaginable, and those suffering from hearing loss are no different.

Remember: you’re not alone in your hearing loss

The loss of your hearing can make you feel isolated from loved ones and your community, but hearing loss support groups have the opposite effect: they create a bond between people in similar situations and allow professionals or those who have been coping with hearing loss longer to share the newest information, technology, and help available.

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