Hearing Loss Resources Find Answers

Hearing loss is more common than you might think, affecting approximately 1 in 8 Americans.¹ If you have hearing loss, you’re not alone.

Schedule a free appointment today and begin your journey to better hearing.

man and woman talking
man and woman talking

Discover Resources About Hearing Loss

If you would like to learn more about hearing loss, its links to your overall health and well-being and the available solutions, take a look at the helpful resources we have compiled below.


Deafness and Hearing Loss by World Health Organization (WHO)

Quick Statistics About Hearing by National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD)

Hearing Loss Facts and Statistics by Hearing Loss Association of America (HLAA)

Hearing Loss & Tinnitus Statistics by Hearing Health Foundation

Occupational Hearing Loss Surveillance by The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)

woman wearing headphones

Online Hearing Assessment

Visit any Beltone Hearing Care Center to discover just how simple it is to improve your hearing.

You can also take our online hearing assessment to get a head start on your free appointment—we’ll forward your results to your local Beltone office. The results will help your hearing care professional begin the process of determining your level of hearing loss and which hearing aids are right for you.

audiologist using a computer

Take the Next Step

Don't wait any longer to begin your journey to better hearing. Beltone is ready to help you hear what matters the most to you.

Schedule a free hearing screening with a Beltone hearing care professional to explore your options.

Understanding Hearing Loss

senior man touching button on radio in car

What Are the Signs of Hearing Loss?

The first step on your hearing health journey is to recognize the signs of hearing loss. Watch for these symptoms.

Hearing Loss and You

Living with hearing loss can be difficult, but it isn’t something you should feel self-conscious about—hearing loss is more common than you might think.
senior couple hugging outdoors

How Can I Help Someone With Hearing Loss?

If you’re supporting someone with hearing loss, Beltone is the hearing care partner you can depend on for answers and resources.
woman drinking coffee and wearing headphones

Hearing Loss Is Everywhere

Hearing loss is more common than you might think, affecting approximately 1 in 8 Americans.¹ If you have hearing loss, you’re not alone.
old couple on the beach
old couple on the beach

Types & Causes of Hearing Loss

Hearing impairment or hearing loss is a perceived reduction in your ability to hear. Your sense of hearing involves several parts of your body working together, and an issue at any point in the process can lead to a problem. Keep reading to learn more about the three types of hearing loss and the common causes.

man holding onto his ear
man holding onto his ear

What Is Tinnitus?

Tinnitus is a common medical condition associated with hearing loss that is often experienced as ringing, hissing, buzzing or roaring in the ears. If you are experiencing these symptoms—intermittently or constantly—a Beltone hearing care professional can help you get relief.

woman looking out of the window
woman looking out of the window

Impacts of Hearing Loss

Untreated hearing loss has been linked to dementia, depression, falls and other serious health conditions. It can also leave people feeling isolated and make it difficult to participate in once-loved activities. Addressing hearing loss is an important part of maintaining good health.