Beltone Blog

man having his hearing checked by an audiologist

The Ultimate Hearing Aid & Hearing Loss Glossary

Understanding the technical terms associated with hearing loss can be confusing. Let’s take a look at some of the key terms related to hearing loss, hearing aid types, and more in plain language.

grandfather wearing hearing aids hugging grandson

Which Hearing Aids Are the Most Comfortable?

Learn about different styles and fitting tips, and discover how to find the most comfortable hearing aids for your lifestyle.
young man listening to earbuds on a boat

Do Earbuds Cause Hearing Loss? Understanding the Hidden Risks

Discover how earbuds can damage your hearing and learn practical strategies for protecting your ears. Understand the risks, signs of hearing loss, and ways to prevent permanent damage.
women getting her ear checked

What Can Cause A Swishing Sound in Your Ear?

An estimated 50 million Americans suffer from tinnitus, a condition that can manifest as a swishing sound in your ear.
diagram of ears anatomy

How Our Ears Hear

When you become aware of how intricately designed our ears actually are, you will be that much more amazed by the technology that restores people’s hearing.
muffled hearing in one ear causing man to hold head with hand

Why Do I Have Muffled Hearing in One Ear?

Your ear feels clogged and muffled, which is making it difficult to hear and is just plain uncomfortable. What now?
A man is playing guitar

10 Musicians You Probably Didn’t Know Are Hearing Impaired

World-renowned musical artists might appear to be unlikely candidates for hearing loss. Did you know these musical celebrities were hearing impaired?

Amazing Facts About Hearing Power in the Animal Kingdom

Researchers have discovered that many animals can hear sounds and sense danger that humans miss entirely.
hearing aids worn by celebrities on the red carpet

10 Celebrities Who Wear Hearing Aids or Have Hearing Loss

Let's take a look at 10 famous people who rock their hearing aids with pride and show us that hearing loss doesn’t have to stop anyone.
senior woman with hearing loss sitting next to daughter

Is Hearing Loss Hereditary?

Hearing loss is a natural part of the aging process, but is it also passed along through genetics?
whooshing sound in ear being checked by hearing care professional

Crossover Hearing Aids: A Solution for Single-Sided Deafness

If you find it difficult to hear sounds on one side, you may benefit from CROS or BiCROS hearing aids.
dangerous noises that cause hearing damage being heard by a woman holding her hand to her ear

Whooshing Sound in Ear

What might be causing the sound, and most importantly, what can you do about it?