Conductive Hearing Loss Find Answers

True to its name, conductive hearing loss occurs when the conduction of soundwaves to the inner part of the ear is blocked or diminished. Keep reading to learn more about this type of hearing loss and what you can do if you’re currently experiencing it.

Schedule a free appointment today and begin your journey to better hearing.

man's ear
man's ear

What Is Conductive Hearing Loss?

Conductive hearing loss is characterized by a specific type of physical ailment or blockage that prevents the clean, clear conduction of soundwaves to the inner ear. Simply put, sounds entering your ear hit a roadblock and are unable to reach the nerve center where they can be processed by your brain. In contrast to most cases of sensorineural hearing loss, conductive hearing loss is often a temporary condition that can be remedied by medical intervention.

What Causes Conductive Hearing Loss?

Conductive hearing loss stems from problems in the outer or middle parts of the ear. Some of the most frequently cited causes include:

Ear infection
Build-up of ear wax or fluid
Punctured or perforated eardrum
Tumors or other growths in the outer or middle ear
Presence of a foreign object blocking the outer ear canal
Otosclerosis—an abnormal bone development in the middle ear

Remember: only a trained hearing care professional will be able to accurately determine the cause and type of your hearing loss, so be sure to book an appointment as soon as possible if you’re noticing symptoms.

How Do I Know If I Have Conductive Hearing Loss?

Unlike sensorineural hearing loss, conductive hearing loss isn’t a result of exposure to loud noises or the natural aging process. Conductive hearing loss can affect anyone at any age.

You may be at risk of conductive hearing loss if you’ve recently experienced any of the following:

A sinus infection, head cold or illness
Water in your ears that you couldn’t remove
Forceful use of a cotton swab in your ear canal

There are many possible causes of conductive hearing loss, so it’s important to get checked out. If you’re not sure whether you have hearing loss, Beltone can help.

Can I Ignore Conductive Hearing Loss?

Hearing loss impacts much more than your ability to hear. Left untreated, hearing loss can affect many aspects of your life, including your overall health and wellbeing.

Untreated hearing loss can lead to depression, isolation, dementia, falls and more, so seeking treatment quickly is recommended.

Click the link below to learn more about the impacts of hearing loss—and how hearing aids can help you.

woman wearing headphones

Online Hearing Assessment

Visit any Beltone Hearing Care Center to discover just how simple it is to improve your hearing.

You can also take our online hearing assessment to get a head start on your free appointment—we’ll forward your results to your local Beltone office. The results will help your hearing care professional begin the process of determining your level of hearing loss and which hearing aids are right for you.

audiologist using a computer

Take the Next Step

Don't wait any longer to begin your journey to better hearing. Beltone is ready to help you hear what matters the most to you.

Schedule a free hearing screening with a Beltone hearing care professional to explore your options.

Types of Hearing Loss

Sensorineural Hearing Loss

Sensorineural hearing loss (sometimes called nerve-related hearing loss) is the most common type of hearing loss among adults.

Mixed Hearing Loss

Mixed hearing loss is precisely what it sounds like: a mix of both conductive and sensorineural hearing loss.

Causes of Hearing Loss

Age-Related Hearing Loss

Along with exposure to loud noises, the natural aging process is the most common cause of sensorineural hearing loss.

Earbuds & Hearing Loss

Headphones and earbuds can induce hearing loss by isolating loud noises and placing them directly inside your sensitive ear canals.

Medication & Hearing Loss

Prescription drugs or over-the-counter medications that cause either hearing loss or tinnitus symptoms are called ototoxic medications.

Meningitis & Hearing Loss

While meningitis doesn’t always result in hearing loss, people who have had meningitis are at a much higher risk.
two men sitting outside
two men sitting outside

Understanding Hearing Loss

Hearing loss—or hearing impairment—is a reduction in your ability to hear. It can happen gradually or relatively quickly. At Beltone, we want to help you understand hearing loss and find the right solution.

woman looking out of the window
woman looking out of the window

Impacts of Hearing Loss

Untreated hearing loss has been linked to dementia, depression, falls and other serious health conditions. It can also leave people feeling isolated and make it difficult to participate in once-loved activities. Addressing hearing loss is an important part of maintaining good health.

man holding onto his ear
man holding onto his ear

What Is Tinnitus?

Tinnitus is a common medical condition associated with hearing loss that is often experienced as ringing, hissing, buzzing or roaring in the ears. If you are experiencing these symptoms—intermittently or constantly—a Beltone hearing care professional can help you get relief.